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NJ Internet Crimes Defense Lawyer


NJ Criminal Trial Lawyer Defense of Internet Crimes

Internet Crime is a form of White Collar crime. The Internet—a word only recently added to our dictionary—drives our economy and expands our means of communication. . At Pagliara Law Group, our criminal defense attorneys are, however, concerned about the rights of those accused of using the Internet for criminal purposes. If you are under investigation for a computer crime, and would like to speak with a member of our firm, please contact  us to arrange a free consultation with a lawyer.

When is activity on the Internet a crime?

There is confusion about legal and illegal uses of the Internet. Is it a crime to purchase and sell stolen goods or prohibited materials, if you had no way of knowing the source or nature of the goods? If an unsolicited pop-up appears on your computer monitor and you delete it, a record of the image will remain on your hard drive—can it later be used to convict you of a crime? Is it an invasion of privacy to e-mail a picture to a group of friends? What are the definitions of “assault” and “terroristic threats” when applied to use of the Internet? These questions affect modern criminal law.

Our attorneys have experience in the areas of electronic communication, business, and white collar crime.

Are you a suspect in a computer crime investigation?

If you have been asked to turn over electronic files at work, or investigators have seized your hard drive, do not answer any questions. Consult with a lawyer at the first opportunity and preserve your right to build a strong defense. Illegal sting operations, unauthorized search and seizure of hard drives, reasonable cause to request a search warrant, privacy issues—these all need to be redefined in the world of Internet communications and commerce.

Our attorneys are prepared to consider cases involving Internet fraud, Internet theft, identity theft, credit card theft, pornography, misrepresentation, terroristic threats, and other online activities.

If you have been arrested or charged with any type of Internet crime, exercise your right to remain silent. Contact us now.


We are here for you. We are the Voice for the Voiceless. Let us help you!



    • Nick immediately helped me out in dealing with a landlord dispute. He is extremely well versed, knowledgeable and overall trustworthy which is hard to come by. I would highly recommend him to anyone in the future!

    • I hired Attorney Pagliara for a Employment Discrimination case. 

      He is a walking Encyclopedia of Law.  He really is a Gladiator in a Suit.  He is like David in slaying Goliath.  He never backs down until he wins.  He is the Man.  He got me PAID

      Aaron S


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    PERSONAL INJURY–Pagliara Law Group signs up new client for injury at a local gym.



    Pagliara Law Group
    111 Town Square Pl

    Jersey City, NJ 07310



    We are here for you. We are the Voice for the Voiceless. Let us help you!